Personal Training and Physical Therapy near Mooresville

Don't Take Chances With Your Supplements

Why Thorne?

We believe that a personalized and scientific approach to wellness can lead to happier and healthier lives. To do so, we invest in comprehensive testing, sourcing the highest-quality ingredients, and creating the cleanest manufacturing process to provide unparalleled solutions for your health.

Sourcing exceptional ingredients

We are committed to transparency about what we use in our products and why, so you know exactly what you’re taking and how it will support your health goals. The factors we consider in every product includes:

⁄ Absorption ⁄ Sustainability ⁄ Contaminants ⁄ Origin ⁄ Clinical research ⁄ Stability

Manufacturing the right way

An unparalleled commitment to quality throughout our entire manufacturing process has earned us the highest certifications.

Thorne has a sterling
record of compliance
with the Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP), set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

4 rounds of rigorous testing

Thorne’s facility is NSF Certified and manufactures more than 30 NSF Certified for Sport® products, testing the formulas for more than 200 banned substances.

Thorne has an A rating
from Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration, widely recognized as the toughest regulatory agency in the world.

We have two state-of-the-art, in-house laboratories that enable us to conduct four rounds of testing, while most of our competitors test only once or twice. Our manufacturing testing consist of raw materials and formula components, in-process testing, finished product testing, and product stability testing. 
